Hill of Tara - Earth Energy Fields
© Ordnance Survey Ireland Permit No.8521
The Earth Energy Fields of the Hill of Tara display a high degree of spiritual focus.
There is a central silver line running through the Banqueting Hall – an ancient initiatory linear earthwork - the King's Chair, the
Mound of The Hostages which is an ancient chambered cairn, and Teach Cormac where the High King would reside. This silver energy gives the potential to access higher spiritual awareness.
Along the ancient road from the north-west flows a line of gold, which fosters Divine Awareness. It touches St. Patrick's Well and the east side of Teach Cormac. The broadest line of gold flows across the Old Well and Rath Grainne, which was the dwelling place of the women. Silver and gold earth energies are strong enough to resist being damaged – but harm has been done to a different line running through the east of Teach Cormac, which connects to a large stone quarry south west of Tara.
If you wish to open to Earth energies, be sure to ask for spiritual protection so that you do not pick up negative energies in your aura. Earth Energy Lines are part of the Earth's aura. They feed people with life energy through the human chakras. Plants and animals are also sustained by them, and even soil would feel dead without them.
Energy leys flow in straight lines on the surface of the Earth.
Underground streams have a winding course. They hold energy in water or mineral lodes which project energies to the surface.
The colours of the lines have association with various qualities:
- Red - physical manifestation, connection to the Earth.
- Orange - comfort, pleasure, well being, sexuality.
- Yellow - memory, will, emotion.
- Green - love, healing, open heart.
- Light blue - communication.
- Dark blue - creative ideas.
- Lavender - spiritual awareness, meditation, spiritual healing.
- Violet - connection with spirit.
- Pale pink - angelic protection.
- Magenta - unconditional love (deep pink).
- Brown - life energy of plants, the soil, Nature, inspiration for crafts.
- Silver - spirit in matter, higher dimensional manifestation, divine protection.
- Gold - connection with the Divine.
Map Dowsing the Hill of Tara by Stephanie Bolton
Edited version of an article first published by the British Society of Dowsers -
Volume 41, Number 293, September 2006.
Hill of Tara lies
about 40 KM (25 miles) north-west of Dublin in the Boyne Valley. It is best known as the
seat of the High Kings of Ireland from 300 to 1022AD, but there is a small chambered cairn there, known
as the Mound of the Hostages dating from 2000BC, and a linear earthwork, 230 metres long and 27 metres wide,
known as the Banqueting Hall, which was created in Neolithic times. The earthwork climbs up the northern slope
of the hill, with high banks on each side which block any view until one reaches the top. It has been interpreted as a
ceremonial entrance way. There are legends of a huge banqueting hall at Tara, which has given it its
name. Theosophists regard it as an initiatory passage. Roads converging on the northeast
side of the hill are known as the Ancient Roads to Tara from the other royal sites in the
land. These were built wide enough for two chariots to pass by.
There was a standing stone outside the entrance of the Mound of the Hostages. This cast a
shadow into the passage on the Equinoxes and certain full moons. There are carvings on some of
the slabs lining the passage walls. The stone was moved inside Rath Riogh, the ring fort
adjoining Teach Cormac – which means the House of Cormac. He was Cormac mac Airt, possibly
the most celebrated High King. The stone is Lia Fail – the Stone of Destiny, which identified a true king
by screaming at the touch of his chariot wheel.
Archaeological investigations by Conor Newman have been documented in his book on Tara. This year a new book
has been published by Edel Breathnach, called 'The Kingship and Landscape of Tara'.
Stephanie Bolton's study of the Earth Energies of the Hill of Tara was
made by map dowsing in May 2004, prior to her visit. It is
enhanced by the art work of her friend Frances McShane so
as to appear like a bird's eye view, showing lines of light
changing the colours of the grassy hill.
Stephanie understands Earth Energies as an aspect of the aura of
the Earth, and part of the Universal Energy Field. Many
healers can see colours in the energy fields of their client's
aura. Earth Energy dowsers can sense the energy of leys
and underground streams, and though they may not see the
lines, they can dowse for an indication of their quality –
defined by colour. This can be applied in analysing
geopathic stress, for example, there may be an energy ley
in a house which should be light blue, but it is stagnated
and dowsing as light grey. A person regularly sitting,
working or sleeping in this energy line can manifest throat
problems since light blue is the colour associated with the
throat chakra. Another problem associated with stagnation
of this colour is difficulties with communication.
Stephanie follows the well-known colours and associated
qualities of the human chakras and in addition she recognises
five more. The colours that she works with are red – physical
manifestation, connection to the Earth; orange – comfort,
pleasure, well-being, sexuality; yellow – memory, will,
emotion; green – love, healing, open heart; light blue –
communication; dark blue – creative ideas; lavender –
spiritual awareness, meditation, spiritual healing; violet,
connection with spirit; pale pink – angelic protection;
magenta (deep pink) – unconditional love; brown – life
energy of plants, the soil, Nature, inspiration for
craftspeople; silver – spirit in matter, higher dimensional
manifestation, divine protection; and gold – connection
with the Divine. A black line denotes a stagnated energy line.
The Earth Energy fields of the Hill of Tara display a high
degree of spiritual focus. There is a central silver line
running through the Banqueting Hall, the King's Chair, the
Mound of The Hostages, and Teach Cormac where the High
King would reside. This silver energy gives the potential to
access higher spiritual awareness. Along the ancient road
from the north-east flows a line of gold, which fosters
Divine Awareness. It flows through the local church, which
now serves as a visitor's centre, touches St. Patrick's Well
and the east side of Teach Cormac. The broadest line of gold
flows across the Banqueting Hall and westwards to the Old
Well and Rath Grainne in the woods on the west side of the
hill, which was the dwelling place of the women. Silver and
gold earth energies are strong enough to resist being
damaged – but harm has been done to a different line (not
marked) running through Teach Cormac which connects to
a large active stone quarry south west of Tara. If you wish
to open to the energies of Tara, be sure to ask for spiritual
protection because of this.
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