Autumn Equinox Sunrise at Slieve na Caillaigh where Loughcrew Cairn T is situated.
September 2002 Sunrise at Slieve na Caillaigh where Loughcrew Cairn T is situated.
The rising sun penetrating the passage of Cairn T and illuminating the back stone.
This image taken inside Cairn T shows the shaped beam of equinox
sunlight illuminating the back stone. The symbol on the top left
of the illuminated area clearly represents the sun and the symbols with the
horizontal markings may be measuring scales.
Tim O'Brien in his book Light Years Ago
states "It would appear that the construction of Cairn T was specifically
designed to cleverly fashion a beam of light from the rising and
early risen sun around the time of the equinoxes to define the four
year equinox or leap year cycle."
The progress of the sunbeam on the backstone inside Cairn T at Loughcrew was video recorded at sunrise
on the morning of March 23rd 2005. The 50 minute video has been compressed to 1 minute 46 seconds
and included in the following YouTube Video.
Gossan Stones Equinox Sunrise Alignment
The Equinox Sunrise is framed by the Gossan Stones in the Wicklow Mountains.
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